Ashtabula County Warming Centers Open

The National Weather has issued a Winter Storm Warning for most of Northeast Ohio region, including a Wind Chill Warning.
Windchill can reach temperatures as low as -35 degrees. Frostbite can occur within 10 minutes of cold exposure and hypothermia or even death. Cold Exposure is serious and precautions should be taken to avoid dangerous conditions.
- Stay off Roads
- Stay indoors and dress warmly
- Prepare for power outages
- Use generators outside only and away from windows
- Listen for emergency information and alerts
- Look for signs of hypothermia and frostbite
For More Information Visit
Ashtabula County Warming Centers Information:
Updated: 1-30-2019
- The First Community Church of God (1910 S. Ridge Rd. W.) will open at 11am on Tuesday, Jan 29th and serve soup and sandwiches. They will remain open throughout the day and night.
- Geneva City Hall posted on their Facebook page this evening that they will be opening a warming center at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 1/29 and will remain open until 6:00 p.m. on Friday, February 1st. The address there is 44 North Forest Street in Geneva.
- G.O. Ministries will be operating as a warming center(24/7 thru Friday). Warming centers provide relief from the cold weather. We will be offering: hot chocolate, coffee, donuts, stew and showing movies during this operation. The address is 3703 Station Ave., Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
- The Pentecostal Community Church at 5348 Peck Road in Jefferson will be opening a warming center at 10:00 tonight and will remain open through Friday. Food and other comforts will be available.
- The Conneaut Human Resources Center, 327 Mill Street, Conneaut, will be open during regular business hours hours 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. for those that need assistance. After hours – Residents in an emergency situation regarding shelter are asked to contact the Conneaut Police Dept. at 440-593-7440
Don’t get caught in bad weather, prepare for the worst. More Information.